Vaadin Window throws Internal Error when moved in Portlet

Hi at all,
I create portlets for Liferay 6.2 whith Vaadin 7. On some places use of the Vaadin Window component is necessary.
Here is the code to call it and to add it page:

public class NewDatasetWindow extends Window {

public NewDatasetWindow(String caption) {
layout = new FormLayout();
layout.addComponent(new Label(“Insert new Employee’s Basic Data”));

    ... adding some textfields ...

    layout.addComponent(new Button("Start Check-In", new Button.ClickListener() {
        public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
        ... calling some action ....


[/code] getUI().addWindow(new NewDatasetWindow("caption")); The window opens fine and can be used without problems. But when I hold it with the mouse and move it, it cannot be used or closed anymore and an error message occurs. See screenshot below. It seems as if the window is detached from the page in the moment I move it. Does anyone have an idea?
