Please help,Pop-up window is blocked by activex control in IE8

Please help,Pop-up window is blocked by activex control in IE8.
Activex control is embedded in the html
My code is as follows.

Embedded editorEmbedded = new Embedded();
editorEmbedded = new Embedded(“”, new ExternalResource(

Now,if i add a new window,pop-up window will be blocked by activex control in IE8.But,It’s OK in IE6.

It seems like the activex object is rendered on top of the html canvas so to say. But I have to admit, I’m not familiar on how ActiveX components behave.

The window has already a fairly high z-index in the CSS (10000). You could try to increase the z-index in your theme (window’s CSS class is called “v-window”, so something like “v-window: { z-index: 999999; }”. But if that doesn’t work, I’m afraid it seems like it’s nothing Vaadin itself can do, since it would seem that IE simply overlays the ActiveX component on top of everything, overriding the XHTML behind it.