Roo setup: bundle not found

Hi, I’m trying to set up a Vaadin project using Roo, following the instructions here

After running the command to install the roo bundle, I get the error message below:

roo> addon install bundle --bundleSymbolicName com.vaadin.spring.roo.addon
Could not find specified bundle with symbolic name: com.vaadin.spring.roo.addon

Am I missing something?


I think it must have just been a temporary outage or something, tried again after the weekend and it works fine, with zero changes to my setup.

I had the same problem repeatedly, but locating the plugin via the search as demonstrated here did the trick (see the commands in

roo> addon install bundle --bundleSymbolicName com.vaadin.spring.roo.addon

Could not find specified bundle with symbolic name: com.vaadin.spring.roo.addon


addon search vaadin

Successfully downloaded Roo add-on Data
1 found, sorted by rank; T = trusted developer; R = Roo 1.1 compatible
ID T R DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------
01 Y Y 1.0.0 Spring Roo addon for creating rich internet applications with

use ‘addon info id --searchResultId …’ to see details about a search result
use ‘addon install id --searchResultId …’ to install a specific search result, or
use ‘addon install bundle --bundleSymbolicName TAB’ to install a specific add-on version

addon install id --searchResultId 01

roo> Target resource(s):

Vaadin Plug-in for Spring Roo (1.0.0)



Hi Jason!!,

Have you managed to finish the book example with Roo?. If yes, could you be so gentle to explain me how?. I have already posted a
question in the add-on section
, but unfortunately no one has answered it yet.

Thanks in advance!!

Using STS 3.1.0.Release, bundle still not found and search does not show any.


Found this

and used this command successfully:

For cut and pasters like me … there’s a space missing above
osgi start --url

Thanks the above commands worked perfectly.