theme resource file names with spaces issue

Hi Vaadin,

I want add some static html files for help on this page link but those html file names has spaces… If I use the html file( name with spaces) as link resource… It is not fetching the static html file on click of link button.

Here is the code…

Link help = new Link();
help.setIcon(new ThemeResource(helpImage));

help.setResource(new ThemeResource(“venkat ram.html”));

if I replace the spaces with underscore(_), it is working…
help.setResource(new ThemeResource(“venkat_ram.html”));

I have lot of html files to link, i don’t want to change all file names…

Could you please specify if there is anyother way to link static help html files ( name contains spaces)…


I tried Filesource… but I could not navigate from one static html to another using fileResource…

I could navigate using ThemeResource, the only problem is resource filename with spaces…