Liferay 6.2 CE and Vaadin 7.1.10 theme locations

Hi guys.
I am having a terrible time trying to get the latest things working together.
I was familiar with LR6.1 and Vaadin 6.8, so this is all change for me.
It has been over a week now and I am still struggling with many basic items … this is but one of them.

Autocompile of the theme is not working despite @VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false.
But I can compile the theme using the toolbar button 'Compile Theme".
This creates the styles.css file under V7Proj\WebContent\VAADIN\themes\v7projtheme.

I am unable to auto-deploy to the server using Eclipse Kepler - servlet is simply undeployed ?!
So I resort to using
Export/WAR file
to the Liferay deploy folder.

The problem is that the generated styles.css is placed in


but Liferay/Tomcat is looking for is in …


Should I be doing a manual copy every time I deploy ??!

Do you found a solution for that - I mean to avoid to have to copy manually this files?
I have now a even worst problem with vaadin 7.3 LR 6.2 even you copy manually this files the CCS stylles are not loaded

Im not sure but i mean reading about a solution to deploy all vaadin jars and widgets inside the war package.
I mean it was in a context with Vaadin + Liferay + MavenProject.
On my last try my warfile wouldn’t be deployed correctly.