Ongoing issues with Vaadin IDE in Eclipse

I’ve been trying to create a clean (quick) build of a development environment around Vaadin and Eclipse and now have the following environment

   Win 7 64bit
   Java 7 64bit
   Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers Kepler (4.3.1) SR1 64 bit

To which I add Vaadin via Help → Install New Software, I can now create a Vaadin project, but

  • (key issue) The GUI designer is not available. If I place the following in the eclipse.ini file the designer does become available


So I seem to have to ‘enable’ something that does not exist before Vaadin works as expected.

-(key issue) The wizard has the ablity to set a target runtime, but regardless of what is defined within eclipse the list is empty. If this is never going to be fixed at least remove the option.

  • (secondary issue) Why is there no option to create the default code for a Vaadin project so that it works with the designer? Would this not be a good way to allow people to start to get the hang of things?

That didn’t help me :frowning:

On Eclipse startup I got:

(but at least there was design tab) and when I clicked on design tab and got

I downloaded XULRunner 24 based on this SO question -

It is the truth that in my case I used Eclipse Luna (4.4) and I have Win8.