Does Invient Chart work with Vaadin 6.4.9


I am newbie of Vaadin and trying integrate Charts to my project. I found this tool is amazing and offers everything I need.
I download the package and import jar into my project (using Vaadin 6.4.9). But it does not work ( no chart is shown) and there is no error or exception.

Can anyone tell me why?


I do not have Vaadin-6.4.9.jar file. However, there should not be any issue in loading charts if there were no errors during widgetset compilation. Can you check if the widgetset compilation is giving any error?

Also make sure that the JavaScript library files have been included in your project and ApplicationServlet is customized to include references to these JavaScript library files.


How do you include the Javascript library files (is the js folder in the highcharts download??) and how do you customize the ApplicationServlet??? sorry for the simple question but I’m kind anew to Vaadin…



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