Tree add selection with ctrl-key problem


Vaadin 7.1.7 in use.

Before showing tree some selections are done programmatically.
Tree is not expanded.

I suppose the already selected items should remain when a new selection with ctrl-key is done.

If tree is expanded into branch where the preset selections are and new selection is added it works fine.
Aftre expanding the branch where the reset selections are new selection made in another branch woks fine.

But if tree after it is shown is expanded into branch where is no preset selections and new selection is added all preset selections are lost.
Only the added selection is returned by getValue().

Is there a bug?

We have another tree having different items and that tree is expanded when it is shown.
Some values are selected programmatically before showing tree.
In this case all new selections with ctrl-key are added into selection set.

Seems that if the preset selections are not visible before new selection is added they are lost.

Couln’t find anything about this in the forum, is this new issue or a known issue?

That does sound like a bug. Please create a ticket about it at


Cretaed new ticket #13236.