session expired at login screen


I am new to Vaadin, and I need to fix code from some other guy that wrote application before me. I have the following problem and I dont know where the problem could be.

When user is logged in and session expires Vaadin shows that message. “Session expired! Save any… click here to continue”. I click on continue and then I am redirected to login screen. Here everything is still ok. But if I dont login in next xx minutes, when i want to login next time, i got message “session expired on login window”, but I don’t want to have this message because I wasn’t even logged in before.

I hope someone will understand what I mean and guide me to find solution, because I don’t know if my explanation in English is good.

Thank you for help in advance!

The easiest solution might be to ensure that your session timeout is big enough (you can configure this in your web.xml). The better solution might be to use the
add-on that will keep your session up and running as long as the browser window is open.

In addition to keeping the session alive, as Johannes suggested, you can use a HTML login page that is stateless and external to the Vaadin application and doesn’t therefore expire.

this example

If you’re a Pro Account subscriber, see the article
#314: How do I submit a form from an external page?