styles.scss exists but ScssStylesheet was not able to find it

I am using IntelliJ Idea 13 and I created a new maven vaadin project with some components.
I also added a file watcher to be able to compile scss files on the fly.
The problem is that styles.scss is never translated to styles.css and I get the following message from tomcat :

WARNING: Scss file VAADIN/themes/mytheme/styles.scss exists but ScssStylesheet was not able to find it

Any ideas are welcome

PS : I have followed these instructions ( to install the file watcher ability into IntelliJ Idea 13.

I removed the file watcher and I get the same exact results.
For some reason the vaadin theme compiler is not working properly in my case.
Any ideas?

I’ve found a solution that allows me to use IntelliJ Idea 13 Ultimate with vaadin themes
Enjoy my blog post here :