Widgetset compilation issue

Alright, a new issue popped up for me. I recently updated vaadin to the newest release and added a widget. I compiled it in Netbeans using the build-widgetset script that I have always used. When it gets to the line in the script in red:

    <target name="compile-widgetset" depends="init, widgetset-init, generate-widgetset">
        <echo>Compiling ${widgetset} into ${client-side-destination} directory...</echo>
<java classname="com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler" failonerror="yes" fork="yes" maxmemory="256m">
            <arg value="-war"/>
            <arg value="${client-side-destination}"/>
            <arg value="${widgetset}"/>
            <jvmarg value="-Xss1024k"/>
            <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true"/>
                <pathelement path="${src.dir}"/>
                <pathelement path="${javac.classpath}"/>
                <pathelement path="${build.web.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>

I get a bunch of errors:

Validating newly compiled units
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VSplitPanel.java'
 Line 266: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VWindow.java'
 Line 540: The method scheduleFinally(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 716: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 735: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VTabsheet.java'
 Line 357: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 917: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VView.java'
 Line 248: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 380: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 441: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/MenuBar.java'
 Line 383: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (Command)
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VDragAndDropWrapper.java'
 Line 175: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/VDebugConsole.java'
 Line 27: The import com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException cannot be resolved
 Line 462: Incompatible conditional operand types Throwable and UmbrellaException
 Line 462: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 463: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 463: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 474: Incompatible conditional operand types Throwable and UmbrellaException
 Line 474: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 475: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 475: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/ShortcutActionHandler.java'
 Line 170: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 177: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 208: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VNativeButton.java'
 Line 138: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VScrollTable.java'
 Line 311: The method getCharCode() is undefined for the type NativeEvent
 Line 923: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 1633: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 1668: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 1977: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 2901: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 4793: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 4910: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 4963: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VContextMenu.java'
 Line 144: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ApplicationConnection.java'
 Line 653: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VMenuBar.java'
 Line 535: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (Command)
 Line 645: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VFilterSelect.java'
 Line 1115: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VTextArea.java'
 Line 73: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/richtextarea/VRichTextArea.java'
 Line 301: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 343: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VOptionGroup.java'
 Line 194: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VUpload.java'
 Line 236: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VCustomComponent.java'
 Line 69: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VSlider.java'
 Line 182: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 232: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/Util.java'
 Line 611: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VTree.java'
 Line 1574: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 1636: The method getCharCode() is undefined for the type NativeEvent
 Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Vaadin%20Libraries/vaadin-6.5.6.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VTextField.java'
 Line 263: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
 Line 302: The method scheduleDeferred(Scheduler.ScheduledCommand) in the type Scheduler is not applicable for the arguments (new Command(){})
   Finding entry point classes
 Unable to find type 'com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConfiguration'
 Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type unavailable
 Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not be adding its source path entries properly

Does anyone know how this can be fixed? Using versions:
Vaadin 6.5.6
gwt-dev 2.0.4
gwt-user 2.0.4


Try updating the GWT Jars, Vaadin 6.5 wants GWT 2.1.

The GWT Jars are included in the Vaadin installation package.

Thank you again Marko! That solved it!


I’m getting the same issue with 6.7.1 using the gwt-dev and gwt-user from the 6.7 repo. Any ideas?

Is now working with the latest build