VAADIN Folder in WebContent missing

Hello Community,

my Vaadin7ExampleUI works in eclipse with the vaadin-plugin perfekt, also the embedding in jsp. But if I try to embed it on my own eclipse web project the VAADIN Folder in the WebContent directory is not automatically generated. Where can I download this folder? Or what am I doing wrong?

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Different jars of Vaadin adds different parts of the VAADIN folder. Even if you don’t have a VAADIN folder in your project, on deployment there will be one because of the jars. vaadin-client-compiled jar gives you VAADIN/widgetset. vaadin-themes.jar gives you VAADIN/themes with reindeer, runo, chameleon and base.

If you need to add something there, you can just create an empty folder called WebContent/VAADIN, and they will be merged on runtime. No need to copy the rest of the files there. For example, the Eclipse plugin’s “create theme” creates VAADIN/themes/ and two scss files in there, nothing else.