Vaadin 7 - Help

Hi there,

Has anyone ever get to work with the AddressBook tutorial? I’m struggling to learn with this tutorial.

I have Eclipse with vaadin 7.0.7 and can’t seem to work through the tutorial.

Another pain is I also try to learn with Book of Vaadin, 7e, all this don’t seem to work on my side.

The only thing that seem to work is the simple “Hello World” project. The code on page 45 won’t work.

I know I might be missing something, can someone please help.

Thank you.

Hi, maybe this gets you a better start::

the addressbook should be working with 7 what exactly does not work?

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the YouTube link … It’s a nice tutorial.

There are some things I was mixing up. Let me get up with and and get back.

Thanks for your response.