WebRTC for Vaadin


I would like to implement a WebRTC Component. At the moment I am just trying to get a video of my own webcam like

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>getUserMedia Demo 1</title>
video {

<body onload=start()>
<video id="vid" autoplay="true"></video>
video = document.getElementById("vid");
function start() {
  navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video:true, audio:true}, gotStream, function() {}); 
  btn.disabled = true;
function gotStream(stream) {
  video.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);

I tried to do it like the blog entry
. So I created WebRTCComponent, WebRTCComponentState and the two js-files myconnector.js and mylibrary.js

@JavaScript({"mylibrary.js", "myconnector.js"})
public class WebRTCComponent extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent{
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	protected WebRTCComponentState getState()	{
		return (WebRTCComponentState) super.getState();
public class WebRTCComponentState extends JavaScriptComponentState
	public Video video = new Video();
com_kit_gip_view_chat_WebRTCComponent =
function() {
    // Create the component
    var mycomponent =
        new mylibrary.MyComponent(this.getState().video);
var mylibrary = mylibrary || {};

var video;

mylibrary.MyComponent = function(element) {
	this.video = element;
		video : true,
		audio : true
	}, gotStream, function() {
	btn.disabled = true;
function gotStream(stream) {
	video.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);

mylibrary.js is already used if I add WebRTCComponent somewhere with addComponent(), but the video is not shown. At this point I’m not sure if I understood the blog entry correctly. Do I have to add the video component in the WebRTCComponent(State) (if yes how) or in mylibrary.js with someElement.innerHTML = […]

Thanks in advance

I am still stucked with this problem. Any ideas?

Pretty sure got similar problem - just not with video but with the audio.

Any ideas?