Install Vaadin 7 on Liferay 6 (Jboss)


I am following the instructions in this url
, but I can not see any portlet :frowning:
In the control panel say: “Vaadin Jar Version: could not be determined”

any idea?

The paths “…/webapps/ROOT/…” in the help are for Tomcat, I’m not sure where they are in the Liferay JBoss installation but you should make sure you used the correct directories. However, the easiest way is to perform the upgrade from the control panel.

Make sure you are using the new control panel portlet for Vaadin 7 from Arcusys - you can get it from
and compile it yourself if you don’t find a pre-compiled package. Instructions for that are on the GitHub page. The old control panel is for Vaadin 6 only.

Then compile your widgetset and (recompile if necessary and) redeploy all the portlets depending on Vaadin.