Vaadin Mail Portlet in Liferay 6.0.5 - Impossible to attach a file


I use Liferay 6.0.5, and can successfully send simple emails using Vaadin mail portlet.

But when I try to attach a file, on clicking on the “Upload” button, the file is ignored, and an exception is thrown (see below).

I saw that this bug was already reported on liferay issues :
. But I haven’t found a solution so far.

Here is the thrown exception :

Is there a workaround to this problem ?

If not, as I have the code of the portlet in an eclipse project, may be I can try to correct it myself, but I would like a tip concerning the vaadin code …
I could see that the buttonCaption “Upload” is defined in the class com.vaadin.ui.Upload, but I did not find the action of this button. Could you tell me which method is called when “Upload” is clicked ?

Thank you,


i realy need help to install mail portlet in liferay 6, i tried to do it but i have this exeption :

[#|2011-04-18T15:51:35.949+0000|INFO|glassfish3.0.1||_ThreadID=25;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|15:51:35,949 ERROR [MailManager:130]
at com.liferay.mail.imap.IMAPConnection.testConnection(
at com.liferay.mail.mailbox.IMAPMailbox.validateAccount(
at com.liferay.mail.mailbox.BaseMailbox.addAccount(
at com.liferay.mail.util.MailManager.addAccount(
at org.apache.jsp.update_005faccount_jsp._jspService( from :335)

any help will be appreciated please.