Vaadin 7.0.1 Released

Vaadin 7.0.1 is a maintenance release for the 7.0 branch of Vaadin Framework.

A lot again has been done for Vaadin 7.0.1, but the main improvements are in speed and overall performance. You can take a look at
the release notes
to get a better understanding what has been made.

The easiest ways to get the latest version of Vaadin 7 are described at
. If you are using the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse, upgrade the Vaadin version from the project preferences. If using Maven, the repositories will replicate within a few hours.

Information on migrating from Vaadin 6 to Vaadin 7 can be found
in the release notes
, among other upgrading information.

I’m using the newest version of Ivy and Vaadin Eclipse plugin and this can’t be done by Eclipse project preferences, becouse combox that contain Vaadin version is disabled.
Only way that I found to upgrade Vaadin version in project is by edit ivy.xml file and change version entry to .Then Ivy will resolve new dependences.

Ah, yes, I’m terribly sorry about that mix-up.

You are correct, it’s currently not possible to update a Vaadin 7 project’s version from the preferences - you indeed need to modify the ivy.xml file’s version declaration and let Ivy re-resolve the dependencies that way.

Where could I download the vaadin-all-7.0.1-javadoc.jar (All-in-one Javadoc) ?

According to :

The javadoc.jar seems not included in the bundle-task, but it wll be very handy to have one.
A separate jar will do : )


Best Regards,

The javadoc jar is downloadable at
which should contain all javadoc.

Thanks for reply.

I have downloaded it when 7.0.0 released.

Just wondering if there wll be some slight difference between versions. : )


Is it possible for the release task also produces the all-in-one javadoc.jar (but not in bundle ZIP) ?

So that it could be downloaded as soon as the bundle ZIP is available.

I’m not sure if I understand your comment correctly, but the javadoc JAR is produced by the build.
For some reason, though, it seems not to be available in the download directory for Vaadin 7.0.1 even though it should have been available, I’ll investigate this.

As for API changes, there is only one theoretically potentially incompatible API change on the client side (one field that used to be protected is now private), none on the server side. There are some very minor additions to APIs, but not such that would risk breaking any application from the point of view of API use or extensions. We strive to keep bugfix releases fully API compatible with the previous minor version.

EDIT: The javadoc JAR is now available for 7.0.1.

Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you asked for 7.0.1 javadoc (stupid mistake by me. I didn’t have my first coffee of the day), and that’s why I gave you the 7.0.0 version number.

In the future, you can access the JavaDoc Jar for each recent version by going to
the download page
, clicking on “other releases” and there you have a link to the javadoc file.

Thanks for both of you, quick and kindly comments. : )

I have downloaded the 7.0.1 javadoc.jar, for offline studying and sharing with my colleagues.

They are all very impressed by Vaadin framework.