How to set Page title after page refresh ?

I use @PreserveOnRefresh on my UI, but Page title not restored after user use F5.

I just tried the following annotations on my UI class:

@Title("test page")

This seems to work properly - the title is “test page” at initial load and after refresh. Or did I misunderstand your issue?

But, how to dynamically set Page title ?

Ah, okay, I missed the dynamically part. I think you should be able to set it by just calling Page.getCurrent().setTitle(“title”);

Another option would be to write your own UIProvider and override the getPageTitle(…) method there, but I think this is only called when the UI is first created.

This method could setTitle “Page.getCurrent().setTitle(“title”);”.
And how to getTitle? I could not find the method.

Where are you putting:

I have tried it in the UI’s init(VaadinRequest request) but it does not work on page refresh. Any ideas??

Looks like it will be fixed in Vaadin 7.2.