Quartz Schedular with vaadin

Hi All,

  I tried  with Quartz schedular 1.8.6 with spring 3.1  for mail alerts showing popup in vaadin application. but am getting problem with popup ,it will not open in every quartz job trigger  time.when ever the action is done in vaadin application then only it will open the window. So please rectify my problem. 

the below code am write
12763.xml (2.26 KB)
12764.java (1.1 KB)
12765.java (1.46 KB)


Vaadin doesn’t have a push mechanism to automatically push any server-side changes made in the background (outside the normal request). The easiest solution is to add the
component to your user interface that will poll the server-side for changes periodically.

  • Teemu

Hi Teemu,

Thank you for reply .If you find that please reply me
