Vaadin Icons

Hi All,

I just got started with vaadin i went through the Address-book application and I loved it.
Currently i’m building a web application that will be used for commercial proposes and i’m using vaadin to create the front end and I know that vaadin is open source but i don’t know if i can use some of the icons that came with the address-book demo app in my application or if they are copyrighted

Thanks in advance. and if you know about ny source when i can get opensource icons especially related with healthcare please let me know

Thanks again

Hi. For icons, I recommend


Hey Michel Thanks, i’m having a look at it right now


The icons are (from Runo theme) are free, use them as you wish. Don’t claim you made them, though :slight_smile:

Tried to find folder with runo icons in my filesystem (ok.png), but find only system’s and apps’s icons. How to look at runo’s icons?


Extract the Vaadin.lib

it should be under VAADIN\themes\runo\icons folder.
