URGENT: setSizeFull() shows nothing in browser for Beta10 and NightlyRC1

I have this code in my application instance and I am using Beta-10 as well as Nightly RC1 builds (since some of the stuff I need is fixed in Nightly builds)

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
		VerticalLayout parentContainer = new VerticalLayout();
		this.appView = new AppView(this);
		parentContainer.setExpandRatio(this.appView, 1);

Now this code works fine only when I comment parentContainer.setSizeFull(); line and if I leave this line as is then I do not see anything on the screen. (However DOM inspector shows all the elements)

I tried to press “AL” button on ?debug console and it does not give any error for me.

Any clue what is causing this? I need to make parentContainer to full size to see my screen correctly.

NOTE: The exact same code has been working fine on Vaadin-7 alpha1

Can anybody at least please tell how to find out the root cause for such problems?

With the DOM inspector, have you checked what are the pixel sizes of your components? Are there some components with 0 width or height? With quick look it seems that you’re specifying the size for the VerticalLaout which you use as content of your UI. If you check with the DOM inspector that VerticalLayout should at least have full size. Only thing that seems to have unspecified size is the appView. Does it have height 0? setExpandRatio just assigns the space within the VerticalLayout for the component but does not affect the actual appView size.

Hope these help.