generateCell is call two time

I have a table which have a combobox column , in valueChange listener of combobox I generate another column . all think is OK and second column was added but I lost value of combobox and it was reset
as I understand , generateCell function run two time
could you help me?
you can see my code in below


getTable().addGeneratedColumn(“action”, new Table.ColumnGenerator() {

        public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) {

            ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox();

            comboBox.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
                public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) {

              taskTable.getTable().addGeneratedColumn("rejectReason", new Table.ColumnGenerator() {
           public Object generateCell(final Table source1, final Object itemId1, Object columnId1) {
            ComboBox comboBox1 = new ComboBox();

            return comboBox1;

            return comboBox;
