Problem with ThreadLocal

I’ve created an object nemed GlobalValues:
public class GlobalValues {
private static ThreadLocal users = new ThreadLocal() {
protected UtenteCls initialValue() {
return null;
private static ThreadLocal currentNavMan = new ThreadLocal() {
protected NavigationManager initialValue() {
return null;
private static ThreadLocal currentCliente = new ThreadLocal() {
protected ClienteDTO initialValue() {
return null;
private static ThreadLocal mainWindow = new ThreadLocal();
public static ClienteDTO getCurrentCliente() {
return currentCliente.get();
public static NavigationManager getCurrentNavMan() {
return currentNavMan.get();
public static MostreWindow getMainWindow() {
return mainWindow.get();
public static UtenteCls getUser() {
return users.get();
public static void setCurrentCliente(final ClienteDTO cliente) {
System.err.println(“>>>>> GlobalValues-setCurrentCliente <<<<<<” + cliente.getAnraso());
public static void setCurrentNavMan(final NavigationManager navMan) {
public static void setMainWindow(final MostreWindow window) {
public static void setUser(final UtenteCls user) {
public GlobalValues() {

This object works fine except for the first time I start jboss (and, of course, embedded Tomcat). Anyone has the same problem?

Finally I’ve found this in Vornitoligist;

* TouchKitApplication already provides access to currently active
* application instance with “thread local pattern”. The approach is handy
* as we commonly store e.g. settings in the application instance (location
* information in this example). Otherwise we’d need to pass references to
* UI components in constructors or provided another mechanism to access
* active class (e.g. CDI). This is a better typed version of the one that
* TouchKitApplication provides for convenience.
* @return the currently active Vornitologist application.
public static VornitologistApplication getApp() {
return (VornitologistApplication) get();

This is the answer to my question.
Thanks to all vornitologists!