4.0.1 released

IT Mill Toolkit 4.0.1 has been released.

Version 4.0.1 is an maintenance release for IT Mill Toolkit 4.0 branch. It contains bugfixes for various browsers including few critical fixes for mobile terminals. We have added multiple new demos, source code included. Client-side source code is also provided for those who wish to look further how new themes or custom UI components are created for Toolkit applications, see themes under lib directory. Note, that client-side API (i.e. JavaScript and CSS files) are subject to change during 2007. These changes are required for better client-side compatibility, and they will not affect on the server-side Java APIs and components. Contact support@itmill.com for more information about client-side API changes.

Following changes may be considered as enhancements even though this is a maintenance release. See demos for more information.

  • Select component has server-side lazyloading functionality (large dataset scenarios)
  • Select component has filter options (begins with, contains, ends with filters)
  • UI components may be controlled with keyboard (Toolkit has support for receiving key events)

Further information such as fixed issues and known issues are listed in release package which can be downloaded from http://www.itmill.com

Online demos are located at http://toolkit.itmill.com