GDPR compliant registration page

I am using Vaadin 14. I want to create a registration page but I have a problem with Vaadin components. They all send data immediately after being entered. According to the GDPR, until the checkbox with the consent is checked, no data can be processed, i.e. they should not be sent to the server side. Is it possible to configure the components so that they are based only on client side validation until the checkbox is checked?


According to the GDPR, until the checkbox with the consent is checked, no data can be processed

This sounds like quite strict interpretation. The directive itself do not have detailed technical details, so its guidance is subject to interpretation. Another version of the story would be that it is ok to have the data in server state as long as it is not being persisted to any permanent storage like database before consent checkbox is checked. However I am not a lawyer, and in any case I would follow the interpretation of the trusted legal advisor of your company.

Is it possible to configure the components so that they are based only on client side validation until the checkbox is checked?

Yes, this is possible. There are also other use cases than GDPR for this. The answer is to use template for the UI and add JavaScript logic there to handle the validation of the data. I would recommend to check the following training video how to use templates with Vaadin 14.