How to develop dynamic multiple tabs in vaadin?


As we’ve seen in almost every browser a feature for multiple browsing tabs. How is it possible for a Web-application dev to develop such a feature? How can I store the user state as it is while navigating through different tabs?

Your help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

Do you mean you want to show tabs inside your Vaadin application, like this: ?

Or do you want to open a Vaadin app in multiple browser tabs and share state between those?

Or maybe something else?

I want to show tabs inside my Vaadin application dynamically, I have already done it! Thanks to Vaadin Business App :slight_smile:
Now, I want to save the user stats on each tab independently.
for e.g: If user navigates through all the tabs each tab should save its user stat, tab selection must not reload the UI.


If you want persistent tabs, the easiest way would be using the Spring @SpringComponent and @UIScope annotations on the class (assuming they’re @Routes). Otherwise you could to save the contents when you navigate away from the tab and load them when you’re navigating into them.

Olli Tietäväinen:
If you want persistent tabs, the easiest way would be using the Spring @SpringComponent and @UIScope annotations on the class (assuming they’re @Routes). Otherwise you could to save the contents when you navigate away from the tab and load them when you’re navigating into them.

Okay, Thank you!