Scrolling within NumberFields in Chrome (83.0.4103.116)


In the NumberField component, it appears that if you click in the component and scroll inside of it, the numbers will change with your scroll.

You can see this in the example component on the website: I haven’t encountered this in Firefox, but some clients have noticed it also happen in Safari.

Is there any way to disable this scrolling-to-values feature?

For further reference, our project currently using the NumberField is working on Vaadin 14.2.0

Thanks for the help in advance!


I tried on Safari (MacOs) and I can reproduce the problem. The number is not changing when I scrolled up or down.

Do you have more details about it?

Hi Jean-Christophe,

If you click inside the field first, you can find that scrolling affects the number within.

I’m attaching a clip of the incident happening.

I found that transitioning the NumberField back to a TextField with a StringtoDoubleConverter or equivalent when setting up the Binder validation works as a good substitute for now. I have a feeling the reason the scrolling happens is because of the allowed input of the up/down arrows to change the number values in the NumberField.

*Edit: I made a similar post in the GitHub page and they have said this is default behavior that needs more research: [link to issue]