Discontinuation of PWA install prompt in Vaadin 17

I read this in the [release notes of 17.0.0.alpha4]

Breaking Changes:
Removed the PWA install popup. Because beforeInstallPrompt was removed from browsers specs

I am not sure what this means for current Vaadin 14 PWA apps, does the install prompt still work? Does it just mean that it’s unlikely that all browsers will eventually fire such an event, and if it’s working for me now, it’s not going to change?

Thank you for your insights

Other browsers are not going to implement the event. Chrome will likely remove it eventually as well, so it will stop working there as well. Until then, you can use the event to implement your own UI to allow users to install the app in Chrome.

Browsers will offer some other ways for users to install the app, probably with built-in UIs instead of something app developers can embed within their own UI.

The install prompt will still work for Vaadin 14-16 apps, as long as Chrome keeps the event.

The reason why it didn’t make it to the specification was along the lines of “it is not recommended to push yet another prompt to the user at the whim of the web application - the user should do the install from the browser UI and thus there will be the same unified steps for all web applications within the same browser”.

Hi, can I ask how to solve problem with installation? By this I mean, what steps I should do in vaadin app ?

Hi, can I ask how to solve problem with installation? By this I mean, what steps I should do in vaadin app ?

Hi - I’m not entirely sure what are you referring to ? But basically after you’ve added the PWA annotation to Java code and then the end users should be able to install the webapp to their home screen by going through the browser menu, which is different in each browser.