Combo Box Text Listener and Text Value (v14)

I am trying to create a combo box in Java and listen for user key strokes and when the listener fires, access the text that is currently in the combo box text field. I am running Vaadin 14.1.25. The combo box has setAllowCustomValue(true). However none of the available listeners (addValueChangeListener, addCustomValueSetListener etc.) fire on each key stroke. They only fire when the user presses enter, selects an item in the list or the component looses focus.

  1. Listener
    I have tried to add an element event listener (getElement().addEventListener) for the keypress event. This seems to work but I would like to confirm if this is the correct approach? I see that older Vaadin versions seemed to have a specific TextChangeListener but that does not seem to exist in version 14.

  2. Access the combo box text
    I cannot find a way to retrieve the text currently captured in the combo box. the getValue() method only returns something after the user presses enter, selects an item in the list or the component looses focus. And the element event listener above can get me the key that was pressed but not the entire contents of the combo box text field.