vaadin-sass-compiler-0.9.13.jar does not point to a valid jar for a Class-

I’m trying to use vaadin flow 14 in my existing project which use ManagedBean, ejb, hibernate and thrinidaad on the front side with jdk 1.8 and wildfly 18.
My project has two module.

  1. bar-java module
  2. bar-web module

I wanna use just vaadin-java.

After adding dependency to the bar-java mudule’s pom file, I did create a new directory as vaadin under bar-java module and created the first vaadin view file as

after running the project, I get the following almost at the begin and at the end the popup of intellij ide as:
Cannot open url. please check this url is correct:

Connected to server
[2020-02-24 12:05:49,305]
 Artifact bar-web:war: Artifact is being deployed, please wait...
12:05:49,398 INFO  []
 (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYSRV0027: Starting deployment of "bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war" (runtime-name: "bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war")
12:05:59,186 WARN  []
 (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYSRV0059: Class Path entry yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar in /C:/Development/servers/intellij/wildfly-18.0.1.Final/bin/content/bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/vaadin-sass-compiler-0.9.13.jar  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.
12:05:59,186 WARN  []
 (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYSRV0059: Class Path entry js-1.7R2.jar in /C:/Development/servers/intellij/wildfly-18.0.1.Final/bin/content/bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/vaadin-sass-compiler-0.9.13.jar  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.
12:05:59,727 INFO  []
 (MSC service thread 1-1) WFLYJPA0002: Read persistence.xml for default
12:06:00,561 INFO  [org.infinispan.factories.GlobalComponentRegistry]
 (MSC service thread 1-1) ISPN000128: Infinispan version: Infinispan 'Infinity Minus ONE +2' 9.4.16.Final
12:06:00,799 INFO  []
 (ServerService Thread Pool -- 3) WFLYJPA0010: Starting Persistence Unit (phase 1 of 2) Service 'bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war#default'
12:06:00,833 INFO  [org.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.LogHelper]
 (ServerService Thread Pool -- 3) HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [
	name: default

End of run log:

13:42:21,503 INFO  [org.wildfly.extension.undertow]
 (ServerService Thread Pool -- 76) WFLYUT0021: Registered web context: '/bar' for server 'default-server'
[2020-02-24 01:42:21,595]
 Artifact bar-web:war: Artifact is deployed successfully
[2020-02-24 01:42:21,595]
 Artifact bar-web:war: Deploy took 26,455 milliseconds
13:42:21,595 INFO  []
 (management-handler-thread - 1) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war" (runtime-name : "bar-web-1.0.92-SNAPSHOT.war")
13:42:21,694 WARN  [com.vaadin.flow.server.DefaultDeploymentConfiguration]
 (default task-1) 
Vaadin is running in DEBUG MODE.
In order to run your application in production mode and disable debug features, you should enable it by setting the servlet init parameter productionMode to true.
See for more information about the production mode.
13:42:21,744 INFO  [SessionInformationListener]
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'vJVXDMLj0PcoNiLpGGKsHvnEYl-QvG-sTGCgncoB' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'kdaem--KsR5H5gLQqqQnS57ledgvXmFTVkf92yj6' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie '0juVDqyvJ7Wmbi7PPgg7TreqGqp3QZU05WCPZ0bf' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'px-ZTH0pNNsKqUNgJrTKLjK_IBZeIUE2tg0Bvhfl' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'Ux4Se8FY7rnWHGZbcTUPhe_DwLDKExL_O1PG46TT' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'n5sH12DF-tLRjH7cwRZJogK_Nvh-Ozh7icK2ksq_' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'sQtmabwEHCGhNvycp2_AYtgaEqKBj-BhqNNuqZTy' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie '0rYmFiYEbjJZs7BIToxPqdU4X6b7o4k5gBvRNeQZ' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'OqohoT5rPNl3_0fSHHjxBdbPiwtDuOWjbvo66fLU' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'UVDsj3Ff0idx7gydi0eCUrnXSqxfHiYYl45w14wb' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'Tdni4nthiYL5kKf8olgcjGA0gaTV223HynDVSK92' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'ftRLcAWCUMyvjj20sYQzudJOmF237eCcvjbBDsnj' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'BcU_GwFD_XTpJtBcallROzcbqYRytduOyTIOo6hi' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 't7e7b46wmtKDgAohDW2FirnUs-KQdTv6VmClmhxF' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'ZhuU-azZQT-xbIwTYc_rH21yXYzHXNLUwEOhYN39' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie '0e3gj_GvdrbPnL8TnRbDKivhE5O5mKGotEHibGvi' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'EXx3hB0Poh5wO14vdkQR_c4twnqx-aB_SmDFp2D3' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'oeFFZGja7XO08BtGNutaOh8WQ4pRf1ufoll44CEv' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie '5UQlpcSHFu75es_7pnMheatm1C_lEMUALB7YxuP7' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'Mx9quWFXdUXTzbWt31VQGv8k6_cuNpoaAZZyWtle' created
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 (default task-1) Sessie 'sxY3L24pzLL52V7v8egsnE3lLRaAPhSY-i5bAlDA' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'eA8ST_MU8DLiRRCIv70AaLacy0S4a9RuUSx5nRas' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'WxA3QR-AZ_900fMbj4QPGPrcfo-C-OiLpHWMncw8' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'vlaH1e3ZWB7gweYFPxyyFblguqqDXbZQkpgY_WSg' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'rtl_1lWmHD0VYtCVbT6oeOz669laRQsQAzJWDkTn' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'q22UFYXs5q2svvR2_l4lmJpBvLqCWQYgFtu3TIwv' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'Z77TxHKhAVOD9dIJeC1_z5j2HYfWhTxNOFMo2vVB' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie '2J_nJ4TlIVo8A5E7RDDSnjTzhqUvmYRRx8oHmkvS' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie '2Q0xytbwLgYRI3ZaREsdJE4lNRJwZAJ7C09d3E3g' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'l92OZLRjHaRSthSZcwoWLJdBiFEGVgOEVYKIpbhw' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'TPcqxWT3T5rMOdYErvEQFn1HzR2v04ntQN3_UsdB' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'QsRzWmOLtX3jKqvYrIn9T2qfdYwkx6rG-Nn4vVgy' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'HBTgxd9MSgMBIrd4XBM97JuYxvEBlCG88L6SNQE1' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie '_dsSCvK4Uvi5341vhZyH7wtGPhZD_sJoXz7EWngn' created
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 (default task-2) Sessie 'gYX7rbEnLWJPkp4cQfwqQQUyCXdyoZ2z2VUMOSzb' created

when I go to the url I get the following:

The page isn’t redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

public class ParentView extends AppLayout implements RouterLayout, BeforeEnterObserver, BeforeLeaveObserver, AfterNavigationObserver {
    private transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
    private EntityManager manager;

    private javax.sql.DataSource mydb;

    AflbarLijstRemote aflbarLijst;

    private Grid<AflbarEntity> aflbarGrid;

    public ParentView() {
        // Configure Grid
        aflbarGrid = new Grid<>();

        // add to div
        Div wrapper = new Div();



    public void beforeEnter(BeforeEnterEvent beforeEnterEvent) {


    public void beforeLeave(BeforeLeaveEvent beforeLeaveEvent) {


    public void afterNavigation(AfterNavigationEvent afterNavigationEvent) {
        SearchCriteria criteria = new SearchCriteria();



At least the vaadin-sass-compiler is an artifact for Vaadin 7 or 8, not Vaadin 14.

Olli Tietäväinen:
At least the vaadin-sass-compiler is an artifact for Vaadin 7 or 8, not Vaadin 14.

Should i add or remove somethings from pom?

ali akbar shahriari garaei:

Olli Tietäväinen:
At least the vaadin-sass-compiler is an artifact for Vaadin 7 or 8, not Vaadin 14.

Should i add or remove somethings from pom?

If you’re making a pure Vaadin 14 application, you should remove any Vaadin 7 or 8 dependencies, at least.

Yes i do Vaadin 14. the following is my pom. what should i remove from it? i don’t see any related to vaadin 7 or 8.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""






		<!-- Logging -->

		<!-- Web -->
		<!-- Trinidad -->

		<!-- Jaspersoft -->



		<!-- vaadin Dependencies -->




		<!-- Database -->

		<!-- DI -->

		<!-- Logging -->
		<!-- dependencies voor performance logging -->

		<!-- Web -->
		<!-- Trinidad -->


		<!-- Tomohawk -->
		<!-- Primefaces -->
		<!-- Version 3.13 is compatible with primeface 6.2-->
<!-- 		<version>4.2.2</version> -->
		<!-- -->
		<!-- -->
		<!-- Testing -->





		<!-- Utils -->






		<!--  Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation simple.-->

		<!--		Vaadin -->

<!--		<dependency>-->
<!--			<groupId>org.vaadin</groupId>-->
<!--			<artifactId>viritin</artifactId>-->
<!--			<version>2.11</version>-->
<!--		</dependency>-->


<!--	<pluginManagement> -->
<!--							<goal>copy-production-files</goal>-->
<!--							<goal>package-for-production</goal>-->
<!--							<transpileOutputDirectory>${}</transpileOutputDirectory>-->
				<!-- original version 2.1 -->

			<!-- maven-jar-plugin nog nodig??? -->
				<!-- original version 2.4 -->

			<!-- surefire -->

			<!-- failsafe -->
<!--		</pluginManagement> -->

ali akbar shahriari garaei:
Yes i do Vaadin 14. the following is my pom. what should i remove from it? i don’t see any related to vaadin 7 or 8.


At least those two are clearly Vaadin 8 dependencies.

Olli Tietäväinen:

ali akbar shahriari garaei:
Yes i do Vaadin 14. the following is my pom. what should i remove from it? i don’t see any related to vaadin 7 or 8.


At least those two are clearly Vaadin 8 dependencies.

Thanks first issue is solved as you mentioned but still at the end the application’s begin page does not popup.
Does it have to do with my route? I have already attached my
What i have doing is adding vaadin to existing project which consist of java backend module and front web module.
Whitout vaadin it works as usual and first page popup in browser but when i add vaadin it does not popup first page.

The @Route seems ok to me.