Grid recalculateColumnWidths doesn't recalculate on first attempt

I wrote some sample code to test resizing column widths based on a column becoming full with text and using the built-in Grid column width recalculation API.
I set up a button to update the text in one of the columns and then recalculate the column widths. Unfortunately, it doesn’t recalculate after updating the text. However, if I click the button a second time, the recalculate does work.

Here’s my sample code to demonstrate:

	public Grid2() {
		ThreeString ts1 = new ThreeString("111", "222", "333");
		ThreeString ts2 = new ThreeString("444", "555", "667");
		Collection<ThreeString> itemList = new ArrayList<ThreeString>();
		Grid<ThreeString> grid1 = new Grid<>();

		grid1.addColumn(ThreeString::getA).setHeader("First String").setSortable(true).setResizable(true)
		grid1.addColumn(ThreeString::getB).setHeader("Second String").setSortable(true).setResizable(true)
		grid1.addColumn(ThreeString::getC).setHeader("Third String").setSortable(true).setResizable(true)

		Button button = new Button("Add Text");
		button.addClickListener(event -> {
			ts2.setB("This string became really long and it will cause the cell to grow its width and not truncate.");


I assume I’m calling the API to recalculate at the wrong time (i.e. in the button click listener). How should I be calling the API to recalculate the widths so that it updates when I click the button the first time?

Sounds like it could be a bug. You should file a ticket in .

Although the ticket was created and already fixed in Vaadin Grid, unfortunately Vaadin 14.1.21 doesn’t include the fix yet.

Temporary workaround:

grid.getElement().executeJs("setTimeout(() => { this.recalculateColumnWidths() }, 0)");

Herman Bovens:
Although the ticket was created and already fixed in Vaadin Grid, unfortunately Vaadin 14.1.21 doesn’t include the fix yet.

Temporary workaround:

grid.getElement().executeJs("setTimeout(() => { this.recalculateColumnWidths() }, 0)");

Do you have a link to the ticket you can share so I can track it? We are running into the same issue and would like to know when it’s available.


As you can see it was already closed on February 11. Not sure how to track which release of Vaadin this ends up in.

Hi, I checked and the fix for [#855]
( was released in Grid [4.1.2]
( included in Vaadin [14.1.18]

If this issue with grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); grid.recalculateColumnWidths(); can still be reproduced with latest 14.1.23 then it should be reported in [vaadin-grid-flow]
( with the code to reproduce it.

Guillermo Alvarez:
Hi, I checked and the fix for [#855]
( was released in Grid [4.1.2]
( included in Vaadin [14.1.18]

If this issue with grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); grid.recalculateColumnWidths(); can still be reproduced with latest 14.1.23 then it should be reported in [vaadin-grid-flow]
( with the code to reproduce it.

I confirmed today that the issue persists in 14.1.23.

( created.

A rather hacky workaround involves doing the recalculation via one extra client-server round trip.

First, inside the Button click listener add:

Page page = UI.getCurrent().getPage();

Then add the method where the grid’s recalculation would actually occur:

public void recalculateColumnWidths() {