Getting JavaScript properties Value

Hi ,

I am trying to integrate Code Mirror functionality in JavaScript and creating it as Custom Component. Everything is working great but I am facing challenge to capture the changed value.
In order to capture the changed value I created a property and calling it on change.

Please help me to resolve this issue (or) any other solution to get the changed value which then i can call as Property from Java.



Ready Code


	this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.shadowRoot.getElementById('code'), {
		lineNumbers: true,
		mode: 'sql',
		readOnly: false
	}).on("change", e =>
		this.chng = e.getValue();


Later Iam capturing the changed Property value

public String getChng()
	return  getElement().getProperty("chng");

I am getting null value as return.

Hi ,

I made the below changes and i can see the value changes in console but not in vaadin.

editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.shadowRoot.getElementById('code'), {
		lineNumbers: true,
		mode: 'sql',
		readOnly: false

	editor.on("change", e => 
		this.chng = e.getValue();


I am still getting null value for getProperty(“chng”);
Any hint or suggestion ?