Vaadin okta integration

Hi All.

Can anyone help me.

I’m trying to work out how (if possible) to use Okta integrations for security in a Vaadin 14, SpringBoot application?


I think you want to handle authentication and authorization with the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect protocol using OKTA as identity provider.

If this is the case, I suggest to look at which is a Spring Boot extension by OKTA. This article ( is also interesting.


Gualtiero Testa:

I think you want to handle authentication and authorization with the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect protocol using OKTA as identity provider.

If this is the case, I suggest to look at which is a Spring Boot extension by OKTA. This article ( is also interesting.


that’s right but when i try to do it, i get an error on vaadin because the hearthbeat its failing with a 401 unauthorized

OK. it was not clear to me you’ve already setup an OAuth configuration.
I think you should exclude Vaadin endpoints (they should be /VAADIN/ but please check) from your Spring Boot security.
See for example

Hello Camilo,

have you implemented okta login with vaadin?
we try to do the same, but it doenst work yet. We tried two different ways:

  1. we add javascript okta sign in widget to like this:
    String oktaWidget =
    “var oktaSignIn = new OktaSignIn({ " +
    " baseUrl: $0,” +
    " clientId: $1," +
    " redirectUri: $2, " +
    " authParams: {" +
    " issuer: $3," +
    " responseType: [‘code’]
    ," +
    " display: ‘page’" +
    " }" +
    " });"+
    "oktaSignIn.renderEl( " +
    " { el: ‘#sign-in-widget’ }, " +
    " function success(res) {}, " +
    " function error(err) { console.error(err);} " +
    UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs(oktaWidget, baseUrl, clientId, redirectUrl, issuer, scopes);
    Login widget is shown, but after login we get following error: authorization_request_not_found
  2. we also tried to use pkce for signle page application like on:
    but we get also an error 400 page not found.

do you have some advices for us? how have you implemented it??

thank you for the andwer.