Configuring vaadin-maven-plugin to create target folder in a different plac

Hello guys!
I’m working on a multi-module project, within this structure.


– api

– webapp

I have added the vaadin dependency on my webapp pom.xml, but when I’m running the project the vaadin creates a target folder within the root folder (my-project), I’m wondering if there is any way to configure the vaadin-maven-plugin to create the node-module and package.json file into the webapp folder, or even better for me, to avoid the node.js dependency. It this possible?


  • Mario.

Hi, can you share the pom.xml files?

Alejandro Duarte:
Hi, can you share the pom.xml files?


This is the pom.xml of the parent project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
		<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
	<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>






and this is the pom.xml of the webapp module:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


	<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>


				<!-- declare the latest Vaadin version
                     as a property or directly here -->




            Takes care of synchronizing java
            dependencies and imports in package.json and
            main.js files. It also creates
            webpack.config.js if does not exist yet.



As I mentioned, what I want is to create the target/frontend folder within the webapp module folder.

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for sharing the files. I’m not sure if that’s a bug or not. I made it work as expected by removing all node_modules, target, package.json, package-lock.json, webpack.config.js, and webpack.generated.js directories and files. Then I cd webapp and mvn vaadin:prepare-frontend. Might be worth it opening an issue.

Alejandro Duarte:
Thanks for sharing the files. I’m not sure if that’s a bug or not. I made it work as expected by removing all node_modules, target, package.json, package-lock.json, webpack.config.js, and webpack.generated.js directories and files. Then I cd webapp and mvn vaadin:prepare-frontend. Might be worth it opening an issue.

Thanks Alejandro,
Now I have the problem that when I run the app, all the time it is showing a message that the client lost the connection with the server.

Can you share more details? Logs in the server and in the client, for instance.

Hi, I am also very interested how I can keep these files away from my root folder.

In my case I don’t even have the vaadin maven plugin declared. I run my project using IntelliJ Spring Boot run configuration.

I can see build, node_modules, package.json etc in the root directory. Can we please open an bug for it?

I am facing similar issue… Can someone help?

I think in a newer version it was fixed somehow. Not entirely sure why that is but look at my project here, the vaadin files are inside the “ui” module.