Custom Grid

Hi guys, how do you customized the css of grid? mine seems not to be working.

<dom-module id="webex-grid-theme" theme-for="vaadin-grid">
        :host(.webex-grid) {
        :host(.webex-grid) [part~="row"]
            height: auto;
            overflow: hidden;
            align-items: center;
            border-bottom: 1px solid gray;

public class WebexEventGrid extends Grid<Training> {

    public WebexEventGrid() {

my custom-grid.html path is resources/frontend/customhtml/custom-grid.html

I already tried @HtmlImport(“frontend://customhtml/custom-grid.html”) but it’s not working as well.

I am very bad at this matter but… Can’t you achieve similar results using “column.setClassNameGenerator” method ?

Ximo Dante:
I am very bad at this matter but… Can’t you achieve similar results using “column.setClassNameGenerator” method ?

Hello Ximo, I have already solved this. Thank you. :slight_smile: