Vaadin 14 pom.xml error

Its been a long time when i have tried to use vaadin starting with vaadin 7.
Follow instructions to start a new project was so easy that time
Today, I am back and i want to learn vaadin 14, but it seems impossible to start a new starter project by following tutorials instructions because of an error in pom.xml file, which i don’t know how to resolve it.
So please help me.

What error?

Also, probably the easiest way to start is to download a starter from and import the project into the IDE of your choice.

I think the problem with Spring boot starter maven pom.xml file first line error is the version of spring boot.
I resolve it using :

  • Downgrade spring boot starter to lower version (2.1.5 to 2.1.4)
  • Update the maven project (Right clic the project → maven → update project)

And thats work fine.Thanks.