vaadin-board in Liferay

The vaadin-board add-on doesn’t appear to work on Liferay 7.x

The jar file isn’t built as an OSGI bundle.

I managed to build it as a bundle, but the resources like this: /o/vaadin-8.8.1/VAADIN/frontend/es6/vaadin-board/vaadin-board.html fail to load. I think they need to be registered some how. can anyone point me in the right direction?


Hi Chris,

Could you formulate an GitHub issue about your finding

At quick glance the metadata needed by OSGi really seems not to be there.

Hi Tatu,

I’ve added an issue. It’s slightly more involved that just the metadata. I tried creating my own bundle from the jar, which enabled me to deploy and start the vaadin-board.jar, but the resources don’t get served. I think there is something else that needs to be done.

Have you tried if Vaadin 8.9.0 brings any improvements due this ?