How to override css [part="input-field"] of TextField Component's CSS?

Hi, all.

Can’t understand how to override this part of component’s css. I have my css class “search-text-field-header” on TextField, so I want take this div with part=“input-field” and set background: none. How I can do this?


What version of Vaadin are you using?

For V14 (in non-compatibility mode), You can add this annotation on the view:
@CssImport(value="./styles/textfieldstyles.css", themeFor="vaadin-text-field" )

then in {project}/frontend/styles/textfieldstyles.css, put this:

	background-color: red;

For V13, put this in your shared-styles.html file:

<dom-module id="custom-textfield" theme-for="vaadin-text-area">
       background-color: red;

works for changing style (background for the input-part of the text-field) for all text-fields in the scope of the import, but how do you change input-background on a single text-field?

Niels Nachname:
works for changing style (background for the input-part of the text-field) for all text-fields in the scope of the import, but how do you change input-background on a single text-field?

Hi Niels,
You can add theme for a single text-field like this:

TextField specialTextField = new TextField();


In the css file (e.g.: textfieldstyles.css) you can define special css for only that text field like this:

) [part=“input-field”]

width: background-color: red;


You can add this annotation on the view, as Thomas described above:

@CssImport(value=“./styles/textfieldstyles.css”, themeFor=“vaadin-text-field” )

Andor Németh:

Niels Nachname:
works for changing style (background for the input-part of the text-field) for all text-fields in the scope of the import, but how do you change input-background on a single text-field?

Hi Niels,
You can add theme for a single text-field like this:

TextField specialTextField = new TextField();


In the css file (e.g.: textfieldstyles.css) you can define special css for only that text field like this:

) [part=“input-field”]

width: background-color: red;


You can add this annotation on the view, as Thomas described above:

@CssImport(value=“./styles/textfieldstyles.css”, themeFor=“vaadin-text-field” )

Great answer! Thank you! I just want to mention that you need to use

) [part="input-field"]

width: background-color: red;