How to launch any Vaadin 14 sample on IBM Liberty?

WAS Liberty (wlp-webProfile8- My-starter-project (servlet) from
In pom file I changed target jar to war, clean install, got war, mvn jetty:run. All works fine.

Then I copy my-starter-project.war to droppins,
I succesfully started server Liberty, so in apps/expanded I see unpacked archive without any error messages.
But when I try: localhost:9080/my-starter… I get:

Exception:  'com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet.service:248'
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.vaadin.flow.server.ServiceException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at [internal classes]

Caused by: com.vaadin.flow.server.ServiceException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinService.handleExceptionDuringRequest(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinService.handleRequest(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet.service(

I checked three samples from vaadin/start.

May be I need tell something else to Liberty in config? Does I need install node.js?

Our compatibility statement is “IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 Liberty Profile”, since I think this is the first one to support Servlet 3.1 spec. And your error looks related, I do not know Liberty enough to say which publicly stated product version your version string “wlp-webProfile8-” translates to.

Ok, what the version Liberty from I could use with Vaadin 14 ?

Those state to be Java EE 8 compliant, which means that they should be compliant with Servlet 3.1, and ok. So your problem is related to something else.


Does I need install node.js?

Yes. But you should get different error if that is absent.