Disable debug console in Vaadin 8

I’m using Vaadin 8.6.3 and Liferay 7.1 bundle with Tomcat 9. I’m using Gradle to build application (plugin fi.jasoft.plugin.vaadin in version 1.1.11).
I want to disable Vaadin debug console. According to Vaadin documentation (https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/framework/advanced/advanced-debug.html) I tried set productionMode to true. I tried set this via @VaadinServletConfiguration in my portlet and in Tomcat web.xml (\tomcat-9.0.10\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\web.xml) file. But none of these solutions worked. I can still in ULR add param ‘?debug’ and debug console will appear. What should I do?