Styling "vaadin-grid-tree-toggle"

Hello everyone,

I am trying to disable the toggle icons on my TreeGrid. It seems that I can not access this part of the shadow DOM from the “vaadin-grid” parent. Here is how my html file looks like:

<dom-module id="portal-grid" theme-for="vaadin-grid">
  <!-- -->

      :host(.portal-menu) {
        height: 100%;
        width: 250px;

      :host(.portal-menu) [part~="cell"]
        height: 40px;
        line-height: 40px;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;


I can access the “vaadin-grid-cell-content” just fine. But trying the same with “vaadin-grid-tree-toggle” just does not work. Creating a new html file with theme-for=“vaadin-grid-tree-toggle” works, but it’s not my preferred solution, since I just want to disable the icon when the grid has the classname “portal-menu”.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Have you checked info on this page:

According to it you should create theme module, theme-for=“vaadin-grid-tree-toggle”, as you have apparently tried and there use part name “toggle”. So it becomes something like

<dom-module id="portal-grid-toggle" theme-for="vaadin-grid-tree-toggle">

      :host(.portal-menu) [part="toggle"]
          display: none;

Note, each dom-module needs to have unique id, otherwise new ones will override.

Hello Tatu,

thank you for the response. Unfortunately, this solution does not work, because there is no “vaadin-grid-tree-toggle” element with the class name “portal-menu”. I have defined this class name in the grid (grid.addClassName(“portal-menu”)). This option does not set the class name for it’s children web components.

I need either an option to set the class name of the “vaadin-grid-tree-toggle” element so that it fits the grid’s class name or access this component from within the “style” brackets of the “vaadin-grid” styling.

Do you have an idea how to accomplish this?

Thanks and regards,