Vaadin 13 LoginForm

We need to have an additional TextField added to the LoginForm. We can do this easily in Vaddin 8, is there a way to handle this in Vaadin 13 and beyond?


Currently <vaadin-login-form> web component (used by LoginForm in Vaadin 13+) is not very configurable. Afaik there’s no easy way to add extra components in the login form when using this component.

Here’s a related issue (though this seems to be only about LoginOverlay). You might want to open a new feature request issue at about related to what you would like to be able to do with the login form component.

If using Vaadin 13+ and you need more stuff in a login form, I think right now the best options is to either create your own login form component or a login view using several components together (e.g. TextField, PasswordField, Button).

The LoginForm component (and related <vaadin-login-form> web component) is relatively simple. You might want to fork it to make your own version of it with the additions you need.

The source for the web component <vaadin-login-form> is found here:

And the source for the Java API (LoginForm) for it is here:

Here’s a relevant part of docs if you want to try making a web component and associated Java API within a single project

Thanks for the update. Greatly appreciate it.

Some progress on this? This is really common case, should be definitely implemented as quick as possible.