How to integrate a polymer web component (app-layout by PolymerElements).

I try to integrate this web component: to my vaadin application.

I have read this document and have done as is written there.

But when I run project I see the empty my page.
What did I wrong?

compile 'org.webjars.npm:polymer__app-layout:3.0.1'

public class PolymerAppLayout extends Component {

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
    public MainView() {
        add(new PolymerAppLayout());

Hard to say exactly without seeing the full code, but I see a couple of problems from what you’ve shared:

  • you’re using npm and Polymer 3 (which is needed by app-layout 3.0.1) with Vaadin 13, which won’t work
  • "bower_components/polymer__app-layout/3.0.1/demo/index.html" is probably not a web component but a demo page