right click on grid

how may I get the right click event on a grid?
and how may I select the grid line while right clicking
(so for the context menu to work on the new selected item?)

In Vaadin 13 ItemClickListener was added. There is getButton() method in itemClick event, which you can use to determine which button was clicked.


I may loose something, but itemClickListener (in my code) fires only on main button,
it does not fires on right click
instead the broser menu appear (and consumes the event)
if I create my own context menu then my context menu opens and again consumes the event
so right click event never comes

You are right, there is no prevent default option there.

This ticket is related: https://github.com/vaadin/flow/issues/1363

Also, on 14.0.12 version the right click is not triggered on buttons.
for example:

button.addClickListener(buttonClickEvent -> {

is executed only on left click.

If anyone is interested in a workaround for a custom ContextMenu in a Grid:
(code has been modified to fit here without testing)

// Listen for "contextmenu" event on the client side
grid.getElement().addEventListener("contextmenu", event -> {

	// Get coordinates for the ContextMenu position (see addEventData() below)
	int clientX = (int) event.getEventData().getNumber("event.clientX");
	int clientY = (int) event.getEventData().getNumber("event.clientY");

	// Get the selected Item
	String key = event.getEventData().get("event.currentTarget.getEventContext(event).item.key").asString();
	Item item = grid.getDataCommunicator().getKeyMapper().get(key);

	if (item == null)

	// Visually select the item (Feedback for user)

	if(contextMenu == null) {
		// create the ContextMenu and add it to the Layout
		contextMenu = new ContextMenu();

	// Clear the contextMenu

	// Now add MenuItems that can use the rightclicked item in the Grid
	contextMenu.addItem("MenuEntry 1: " + item.getValue, itemClick -> {
			// MenuItem clicked
			// doSomethingWithItem(item)

	// Open the ContextMenu by code at given Position
	contextMenu.getElement().executeJs("this.open({ target: $0, detail: { x: $1, y: $2 }, clientX: $1, clientY: $2, preventDefault: () => {}, stopPropagation: () => {} })",
			grid, clientX, clientY);

}).addEventData("event.preventDefault()") // Prevent the default Browser ContextMenu
		.addEventData("event.clientX") // Get X Coordinate
		.addEventData("event.clientY") // Get Y coordinate
		// Workaround to get the key of the clicked Item

In the old GridContextMenu you could modify the menu by using the addMenuOpenedListener, now you are supposed to use the setDynamicContentHandler.

Is there a really good reason for why the column info is left out, since it makes it impossible to modify the menu content depending on cell?

Any smart workarounds anyone?
