Combobox - Multiselect - Bind to entitiy collection

Is there something like a multi-SelectBox, or a multi-Select Combobox?

How can I bind an entity-Collection to a multiselect combobox-field?
I have implement an abstract dataProvider

 public static <T extends AbstractEntity> DataProvider<T,Void> getDataProviderForEntityClass(Class<T> entityClass,CrudEntityServiceInterface crudService) {
		return DataProvider.fromCallbacks(
		        // First callback fetches items based on a query
		        query -> {
		    		// The index of the first item to load
		        	int offset = query.getOffset();
		            // The number of items to load
		            int limit = query.getLimit();

		            List<QuerySortOrder> sortOrders = query.getSortOrders();
		            Page<AbstractEntity> entities = crudService
		                    .fetchEntities(offset, limit, sortOrders);

		            //Cast CrudEntity to EntityClass
		            return (Stream<T>) ->  { return convertInstanceOfObject(item, entityClass);});

		        // Second callback fetches the number of items for a query
		        query ->  crudService.count()
which isn't applicable for a combobox.setDataprovider()... How should the setDataProvider looks like?