Use EmailField with Binder

Hi, i tried to use the new EmailField (Vaadin 13) with a Binder but without a Validator (because it is integrated in the EmailField). Unfortunately the attached binder produces a bug with the internal validator of the EmailField. When i tab out of the EmailField (with for example “asd” typed) the error message shows for a few miliseconds and then disappears.

Is this a know bug or am i doing sth wrong?

EmailField field =  addEmailField( ... );
public static <T> EmailField addEmailField(Component component, Binder<T> binder, String label, ValueProvider<T, String> getter, Setter<T, String> setter) {
		EmailField emailField = new EmailField(label);
		Binder.BindingBuilder<T, String> builder = binder.forField(emailField);
		builder = builder.withValidator(new EmailValidator("Incorrect E-Mail"));
		builder.bind(getter, setter);

		if (component != null)

		return emailField;