Vaadin 13 RichTextEditor

How to get RichTextEditor’s text in vaadin 13? getValue() function doesn’t give its text.

rte.getValue() does give the value, but it’s in Delta format. See more here: and here: . You can also use rte.getHtmlValue() to get the HTML representation, but that’s read-only (you can’t setValue() with HTML).

Olli Tietäväinen:
rte.getValue() does give the value, but it’s in Delta format. See more here: and here: . You can also use rte.getHtmlValue() to get the HTML representation, but that’s read-only (you can’t setValue() with HTML).

Thank you, Olli!

how I can set value in rich text editor or how i can create the DeltaValue server side?

I guess usually it’s easier to use richTextEditor.asHtml().setValue(htmlValue), which has been introduced since the earlier messages in this thread.