Grid cell not updating on push when refreshing single item

I have a grid displaying data from a dataprovider. When doing dataProvider.refreshItem() on a single item I see in chrome console that the event is received through the websocket with the expected data. However, the cells in the grid doesn’t update. If I instead do dataProvider.refreshAll() then the whole grid is updated and cells changes to the latest data.

From the chrome console:

Received push (websocket) message: for(;;);[{
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				"value": "Doc Martin\nSeason: 6\nEpisode: 7"
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			}, {
				"node": 1495,
				"type": "put",
				"key": "text",
				"feat": 7,
				"value": "2018-08-19 - 2018-09-30"
			}, {
				"node": 1496,
				"type": "attach"
			}, {
				"node": 1496,
				"type": "put",
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				"value": "span"
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				"node": 1496,
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			}, {
				"node": 1496,
				"type": "put",
				"key": "title",
				"feat": 3,
				"value": "Start: 2018-08-19 00:00:00Z\nEnd: 2018-09-30 00:00:00Z"
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				"node": 1496,
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				"value": "Last update Sat Mar 09 14:44:07 CET 2019"
			}, {
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		"execute": [[[0, 1491]
, "window.Vaadin.Flow.contextMenuConnector.init($0)"], [[0, 1491]
, "vaadin-contextmenu", "$0.$contextMenuConnector.updateOpenOn($1)"], [[0, 1496]
, "window.Vaadin.Flow.contextMenuConnector.init($0)"], [[0, 1496]
, "vaadin-contextmenu", "$0.$contextMenuConnector.updateOpenOn($1)"], [[0, 22]
, [1, [{
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							"col2": ""
					]], "$0.$connector.updateFlatData($1)"]],
		"timings": [8751, 0]

client-28831013082792340517B7074033EF04.cache.js:979 Handling message from server
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client-28831013082792340517B7074033EF04.cache.js:183 handleUIDLMessage: 16 ms
client-28831013082792340517B7074033EF04.cache.js:183  Processing time was 28ms

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