Disabling Upload component

Is it possible to disable the Upload component somehow?
The Upload itself does not implement HasEnabled, and while disabling the underlying Button does make the Upload look disabled, when it is clicked it still opens my explorer to browse for a file to upload.

Is there maybe a known workaround to achieve a truly disabled Upload component, or do I have to hide it instead?

Hi, you can set max files to 0 as a workaround.
The “disabled” feature for upload has been reqeusted here: https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-upload/issues/146

Ah, yes that seems to do the trick. I did not find that issue through googling.

I still have to disable the underlying Button in addition to setting max files to 0, because that workaround only prevents the file explorer to open but does not visually show the uploads disabledness.

Thats ok though, at least I can now truly prevent uploads from happening.
Thank you