User Sessions w Vaadin Flow

Hi, I am currently a budding Java developer that wants to get into Vaadin development and currently trying to implement User Session login for my application. I have read about the content regarding the usage of VaadinServlets to do so :

After relentlessly digging through API documentations and sample codes, I still am not able to understand how to implement the User Sessions for a specific user that logs into my platform. From what I understand is that, I can initialize my user session by using what i have implemented below.

However my aims for the application are slightly different:

[Use Case]

  1. User logs in with their specific credentials.
  2. Gets Redirected to a SecuredPage (which will create a User Session storing the user’s username and retrieves a token?)
  3. After 2-3mins of inactivity, the User will get forced out of the SecuredPage and Session closes?
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "VaadinFlowServlet", asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(heartbeatInterval = 5, productionMode = false)
public class LoginServlet extends VaadinServlet implements SessionInitListener, SessionDestroyListener {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoginServlet.class);

    // <Method> ::servletInitialized():: -> handles most of the servlet customization. (write my servlet customization under this function.
    //          ::getService()::         -> returns a VaadinServletService type?
    //          ::addSessionInitListener(this)::    -> An event listener that can be registered to a VaadinService to get an event -> when a new Vaadin service session is initialized for that service.
    //          ::addSessionDestroyListener(this):: -> A listener that gets notified when a Vaadin service session is no longer used.
    protected void servletInitialized() throws ServletException {


    // <Method>     ::sessionInit::      -> Starts Session?
    // <Parameter>  ::SessionInitEvent:: -> Event gets fired when a new Vaadin service session is initialized for a Vaadin service.
    public void sessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) throws ServiceException{
        // Do Session start stuff here
        // Creates a Session?
      "session init() "
                + " Session-ID: " + event.getSession().getSession().getId()
                + " CSRF: " + event.getSession().getCsrfToken());


    // <Method>     ::sessionDestroy:: -> Stops Session?
    // <Parameter>  ::SessionDestroyEvent:: -> Event fired when a Vaadin service session is no longer in use.
    public void sessionDestroy(SessionDestroyEvent event) {
        // Do session end stuff here"session destory()");


So I was wondering if anybody can help me understand this matter better? Fully Appreciated